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About Dr. RUI ZHOU 

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sports acupuncture clinic

About        Dr. Zhou 

Mr. Zhou Rui is an ACC registered acupuncturist in NZ and Specialist of Chinese Sports  Medicine in China, specializing in all kinds of sports injuries and muscles & joints  problems. 
Mr. Zhou Rui was a Chinese Sports Medicine specialist in Sichuan Province  Orthopedic Hospital, which is the only designated Chinese medicine hospital for  national team athletes awarded by Chinese Olympic Committee. When he was in  China, Mr. Zhou Rui provided medical service for a great number of professional  athletes and amateur players. At that period, He worked as a medical officer of China  National softball team, Sichuan Provincial tennis Team, and Sichuan Provincial  volleyball team, Jiangsu Provincial softball team. 
Since he has moved to NZ, he continues to provide professional medical services to  many brilliant athletes, some of them are from NZ Tennis, Auckland Tennis, NZ Badminton, Black Dragon, NZ fencing, NZ figure skating. 


Mr. Zhou Rui is continually striving to improve prevention care and techniques for his  patients. He does this by being actively involved in clinical research and has  published many research articles, reviews and book chapters which he continues to  present all over the world. He is a Member of China Association of Chinese Medicine  Sports Medicine Branch, in which he often communicates with colleagues to discuss  intractable diseases in the sports medicine field.  
On a hobby note, he is a coach of PTR(Professional Tennis Registry), who has a  passion for the tennis training and searching the basic reason of sports and injuries. He is also a good tennis athlete, taking part in interclub in New Zealand and enjoying  the great tournaments around the world. 


Visitor study: 2018 Taxes college of Osteopathic Medicine (Fort worth, TX) 
Residency Training:

2014: Sichuan Provincial Orthopedic Hospital (Chengdu, Sichuan, China)  .

2013: Sichuan Provincial Orthopedic Hospital (Chengdu, Sichuan, China)

2012: TCM Hospital of Sichuan Province (Chengdu, Sichuan, China) 


Basic Training: 
2012 Shi's Traumatology in ShuGuang Hospital of Shanghai University of TCM  (Shanghai, China) 
2011 Longhua Hospital of Shanghai University of TCM (Shanghai, China) 2010 Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine of  Shanghai University of TCM (Shanghai, China) 
2008 Sichuan Provincial Orthopedic Hospital (Chengdu, Sichuan, China) 2007 West China Hospital of Sichuan University (Chengdu, Sichuan, China) Sichuan Provincial people’s Hospital(Chengdu, Sichuan, China) 
Under graduate Education 
2003-2008 Sports Medicine Department, Chengdu Sports University (Chengdu, Sichuan, China) 


Published Articles 
[1]ZHOU Rui, Wang Yi,Dai-Guogang. A MRI study on morphology of endplate in teens  lumbar degenerative disc disease. West china medical journal[J].2016,9:1561-1564.

Postgraduate Education 

[1]Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Shanghai, China)  2009-2012 
[2]LI Fu-feng, ZHOU Rui, LI Guo-zheng. Classification of Facial Diagnosis Gloss in  Chinese Medicine Based on Different Algorithms. Chinese Journal of Integrative  Medicine[J].2016,9:2013-2023. 

[3]Zhou Rui, Li Fufeng, Hong Jing, Wang Yiqin. Analysis and Research in Athletes Pulse  Presentations Based on Time-domain Method. Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine[J],  2015,34(10):967-970. 

[4]Zhou Rui, ShiHua-gang, XiongXiao-ming, CaoWan-jun, WanDun, DengXian-geng,  SongSi-mao, HouWei. Clinical Research Status And Thoughts About Kummell  Disease[J].China journal of orthopaedics and tranmatology. 2015,14(2):132-134.
[5]Liujianwei, Zhou Rui. Zheng’s massage and treatment with a sticky paste  supportOutside of the tennis player chondromalacia patella[J]. Journal of Traditional  Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2014,26(11):62-63. 

[6]WeiGeng, Zhou Rui, LiFufeng. TCM face diagnosis viscera points research survey  theory[J]. Seek Medical And Ask The Medicine.2013,11(2):340-341.
[7]DONG Meng-qing,LI Fu-feng, ZHOU Rui. Facial color feature analysis in the  different organs of disease based on image processing

[8]. China Journal of Traditional  Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy,2013,28(4):960-963. 

Research Projects 
1. Title: Application of Pulse Digital Information in Athlete's Function Evaluation Fund: Science Research Foundation of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese  Medicine 
Role: First responsible person 
Time: 1st January 2011 – 31st December 2012 
2. Title: the Value of High Field MRI in the Treatment of OVCF with PVP and PKP Fund: Science Research Foundation of Sichuan Provincial Orthopedic Hospital Role: Second responsible person 
Time: 1st September 2016 – 31st August 2018 
3. Title: Application of Shoulder Three Needle in Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy Fund: Science Research Foundation of Sichuan Provincial Orthopedic Hospital Role: Third responsible person 
Time: 1st January 2012 – 31st December 2015 


The 6th generation academic inheritor of "Shi's Traumatology" in Shanghai
Zhou Rui, Li Fufeng. TCM face diagnosis luster Origin and Modern Research  Methods[J].Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2011.10.51:2201-2203. 

Li Fufeng, Li Guozheng, Zhou Rui, Zhao Ruiwei, Wang Yiqin, Zheng Xiaoyan. Gloss  Identification of TCM face diagnosis based PLS and LDA Algorithms [J]. World Science  and Technology(Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia  Medica.2011,13(6):997-980.

The academic Inheritor of "Zheng's Orthopedics" in Sichuan Member of AcNZ  

Member of China Association of Chinese Medicine Sports Medicine Branch Member of Chinese Medical Society Sports Medicine Branch Member of Chinese Acupuncture Association 

Member of the Chinese Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine 

Senior Member of Sichuan Medical Association

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